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Buy&Sell - Alfa Amore: Online Alfa Romeo community

Buy&sell >> New advertisement

In this site you can post your classified advertisements. Please give as much details as you can, because the more details you give, the straightest advertisement you have, and you can avoid the misunderstandings, etc. Alfa Amore doesn't take any sense of responsibility for the advertisements, but those, who post untrue advertisements, could be excluded. Administrators will delete all the advertisements, which are flippant or unfitting. Please let us know if you find one!

Take notice of the fact, that this is an Alfa fanatic site, so it's possible that our members will not welcome such advertisements.

Only private persons are allowed to use the buying-selling page for free, companies need to pay for it.

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The pictures format must be jpg, png or gif. Over 800 pixels of with or height, the picture will be resized.

