Tisztelt Márkatársak!
Nemrégiben megvásároltam, első alfámat 156 2.0 Twinspark 1998, Már a vásárláskor feltünt,hogy valami nincs rendben a kocsival, alapjáraton nem, de gázadásnál, furcsa fémesen fütyülő, néha süvítő hangot ad ki, és gáz elengedésénel is befütyül, mivel turbó nincs rajta, ezt alapból kilőhetjük, elkezdtük a szokásos műveletekkel, Hosszbordásszíj, görgők, A szíjat és a feszítőt kompletten kicseréltük, nem nyert....
Aztán kicsit jobban ráfeküdtünk, Kipufogó rendszerre terelődött a gyanú. a flexibilis rezonátorcső kivolt rajta cserélve amikor vettem, elég ramaty volt a hegesztés, ezért ezt kivágtuk, és egy szerelő barátommal újra behegesztettük (+ infó eléggé lila a külselye) kifújás nyomait nem láttukrajta , belevilágítottunk, de semmi, jött a katalizátor, minden rendben vele, aztán egy másik szerelő a csonkot mondta, minhta onnan hallaná. Csonk le új sor tömítés + Y tömítés, ismételten nem nyert, ma a csonk hegesztését csináljunk hátha felül a gyárinál valahol kifúj.
A lényeg a lényeg, hosszú órák, napok majd mostmár hetek fórum böngészése után sem találkoztam hasonló problémával, HÁTHA ITT VALAKI TALÁLKOZOTT HASONLÓVAL, Kérlek benneteket ha tudtuk valami hasznos infót, írjatok az oldalamra, vagy ide, vagy hívjatok +36202837355.
Forum >> 156
meszi100021-09-2016 10:55:57 // 34
XYZ27-07-2014 13:24:03 // 33
Csinált már valaki olyat, hogy 1.6 TS-be 1.9 JTD motort szerelt bele?
Haldoklik a motor az enyémbe, ezért gondoltam erre a verzióra...
Csinált már valaki olyat, hogy 1.6 TS-be 1.9 JTD motort szerelt bele?
Haldoklik a motor az enyémbe, ezért gondoltam erre a verzióra...
benhinault18-06-2008 10:34:35 // 32
No idea, but I know that you order it on the website alfisti.net
It seems that they are serious but the shipping cost for such things are high and I don't know if they can send it to Hungary.
It seems that they are serious but the shipping cost for such things are high and I don't know if they can send it to Hungary.
Milos31-05-2008 10:16:42 // 31
benhinault15-04-2008 12:38:19 // 30
Hi there,
I just register two days ago and I'm also 156 owner since 1 year and half ;)
You can find some picture of my 156 in my datasheet or in this page of our french forum
I just register two days ago and I'm also 156 owner since 1 year and half ;)
You can find some picture of my 156 in my datasheet or in this page of our french forum
Belga09-03-2008 23:53:09 // 29
Seems Halesz was spying around what we were talking about and offered to post some on Monday. Btw, the postal address is on my page. :o) Cheers
count M09-03-2008 21:32:11 // 28
There is an international version, too! So, drop me an e-mail with your postal address and we'll send you the cards. És akkor ez így kézzelfogható. ;)))
There is an international version, too! So, drop me an e-mail with your postal address and we'll send you the cards. És akkor ez így kézzelfogható. ;)))
Belga07-03-2008 23:32:43 // 27
No probs mate. He'll be there in Esztergom, so u can get yr stuff. :o)
bh00ooo07-03-2008 19:19:47 // 26
Thanks Belga, that's just the kind of info I was looking for. Checked out his website and the same lower wishbone costs 100 Euros. i'll definitely give those guys a ring when the time comes.
Belga07-03-2008 18:28:10 // 25
You may want to check the prices with this guy. Not quite sure if you can get it cheaper over here.
bh00ooo07-03-2008 13:38:03 // 24
Guys, let me try something to the point:
What do you pay for a lower wishbone in Hungary? I'd rather buy them there if they are cheaper, company invoice no VAT :) . They need changhing sometime soon and in Ro they go for around 150 Euros a piece.
Also, if someone remembers a price and a place to source the shocks (front and rear) stock version for the SW. Thanks!
What do you pay for a lower wishbone in Hungary? I'd rather buy them there if they are cheaper, company invoice no VAT :) . They need changhing sometime soon and in Ro they go for around 150 Euros a piece.
Also, if someone remembers a price and a place to source the shocks (front and rear) stock version for the SW. Thanks!
Belga06-03-2008 22:38:48 // 23
There is a massive number of foreign registrations happening recently, so hopefully soon this forum will be as alive as the "other side" :o)
Btw, welcome here. :o)
Btw, welcome here. :o)
Belga06-03-2008 22:35:42 // 22
szia :) It would be pretty cool...I was thinkig about the same sometime back, but I thougt there is only Hungarian version.
jobb lenne ha nem csak layout lenne, hanem valami kézzelfogható verzió :) és akkor terjeszteném az igét itt kinn.
jobb lenne ha nem csak layout lenne, hanem valami kézzelfogható verzió :) és akkor terjeszteném az igét itt kinn.
count M06-03-2008 21:21:00 // 21
Hey, thanks for the congrat, and welcome here! :) Unfortunately not a big life here... yet. :) But I guess in the next period it will rise!
count M06-03-2008 21:15:31 // 20
Hi Belga! I know your post was written a bit earlier... :) but if you think, we can send you some 'officialy' designed AA card layout!
bh00ooo06-03-2008 20:50:43 // 19
Okay, let's wake up this old horse of a forum thread :)
Thank you everybody for the warm welcome in your comunity, the amount of welcome messages I received was simply overwelming. THANk YOU!
I can read and speak Hungarian (somewhat :) ) so I'll be browsing the hungarian forum too but doing most of the posting here.
So, let me congratulate each one of you for the great choice in cars and for the great comunity you have going!
Thank you everybody for the warm welcome in your comunity, the amount of welcome messages I received was simply overwelming. THANk YOU!
I can read and speak Hungarian (somewhat :) ) so I'll be browsing the hungarian forum too but doing most of the posting here.
So, let me congratulate each one of you for the great choice in cars and for the great comunity you have going!
Satti03-10-2007 11:38:46 // 18
It's a good idea, do that!:-)
Belga02-10-2007 13:05:17 // 17
It's not that easy... there is not a big community here, only one forum for Alfa Lovers, where I have already posted the link to Amore. Maybe it would be nice if I can get AlfaAmore.com cards which I can put to the windshields at any time I see an Alfa. In Holland there is a AR156 club website, we could probably invite some guys from there too.
TtK28-09-2007 10:40:17 // 16
imho = in my humble opinion
Rumi27-09-2007 16:30:52 // 15
to answer your question
I know what "szvsz" means, but I can't tell you more about that, maybe at the hungsite
and if I know the hun meaning of szvsz, that also means I'm absolutely sure about the meaning of imho, even if I never heard that abreviation in that form,
but :) , as you could guess, as I never heard about imho, I can't explain you what should it be for if you would "extract" the letters.
I hope now you're sure about the meaning of imho and szvsz :DD
I know what "szvsz" means, but I can't tell you more about that, maybe at the hungsite
and if I know the hun meaning of szvsz, that also means I'm absolutely sure about the meaning of imho, even if I never heard that abreviation in that form,
but :) , as you could guess, as I never heard about imho, I can't explain you what should it be for if you would "extract" the letters.
I hope now you're sure about the meaning of imho and szvsz :DD
Satti27-09-2007 13:37:38 // 14
Do something!:-)
You can find belgian Alfa owners!:-)
You can find belgian Alfa owners!:-)
Liquid26-09-2007 19:28:35 // 13
Just wait some years, and here will be a lot of people from every country :)
Belga26-09-2007 19:14:10 // 12
There's not much happening here. :o)
Ronnie26-09-2007 02:34:06 // 11
Hey! I know that guy too! ;o)
Ronnie26-09-2007 02:32:38 // 10
Great! Now I can talk to the same people, just in english ;o)))
Csaszi24-09-2007 23:02:39 // 9
That is absolutely fine with me. I mean having the opportunity for the ones who do not speak Hungarian. It is also good to practice. However, there is still one thing that I do not understand: what the he.. does "imho" and "szvsz" mean! :O :)))
TtK23-09-2007 21:48:42 // 8
I think the English forum is intended for the small minority of Alfisti who can not speak Hungarian. :)
And it is a good opportunity to practice the language.
And last but not least, you can write "imho" instead of "szvsz" so you spare a character, thus increase a little less the entropy of the Universe...:)))
And it is a good opportunity to practice the language.
And last but not least, you can write "imho" instead of "szvsz" so you spare a character, thus increase a little less the entropy of the Universe...:)))
Csaszi23-09-2007 21:44:00 // 7
Why whould Hungarian people chat in English? I don't get it. Anyway, now you can't blame me! Right?! :)))) Have a nice evening to everyone! I got to smoke! :))
Take care!
Take care!
TtK22-09-2007 10:39:57 // 6
Let it roll! :)
someday21-09-2007 13:33:28 // 5
someday is reporting for duty!
(..and goint to send the photo asap, but needs one step... girlfriend accepting)
(..and goint to send the photo asap, but needs one step... girlfriend accepting)
mesa21-09-2007 08:38:11 // 4
Beauty is not enough ! :)
Belga21-09-2007 08:04:52 // 3
Second. :o) Welcome to all new and old members...
Attie21-09-2007 07:14:38 // 2
First post! :-)
BeeGee17-09-2007 16:45:32 // 1
Discuss about the 156 models here!
Alfa Amore doesn't take any responsibility for the posts.
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