
AlfaCity 2021 - the biggest Alfa Romeo meeting

AlfaCity is coming soon! The world's biggest Alfa Romeo gathering is the official meeting of Alfa Amore.

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  • Alfa Romeo is about to make pretty cars 04-10-2013  Tedi

    Young and talented Hungarian designer, David Obendorfer says Alfa Romeo, his ex-workplace is about to continue the 8C design, but later the design could become simpler, and this won’t be easy for the carmakers. More

  • O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art not thou Romeo? 16-09-2010  Tedi

    Our Romeo is not his former self. Is it good? Where are we going to? Why is Alfa behaving like this? Romeo will not be Romeo anymore? More

  • Sense and Sensibility 02-08-2010  BeeGee

    Those times, when you fell in love with Alfa Romeo, have gone away. I cannot be loud and self-centered. I must not be simply the fastest, I must take care of thousands of other things. I have a task: saving lives. This demanding task cannot be other’s. So, I was trained, I inherited the best genes, and I got a proper education. More

  • The Secret Life of an 8C 02-05-2010  Alfa Amore

    This year we had a foolhardy idea and gave up living in the reality. We made a fully virtual film. Many people don’t know how much work is in it, the whole story can be told the best by our narrator who is the maker of film actually. More

  • The Green-herbed Bear Cheese 04-04-2010  Alfa Amore

    There is a variant of Yogi Bear, but it is better to call him Mister Yogi Bear. He skitters by the green herbs admixed to the Bear Cheese, and then he stops. And what is more, he shuts down. More
