What we were afraid of, unfortunately it has come true. As all the summer festivals and bigger events, the Alfacity date has been affected of the Hungarian government announcement(event of more than 500 people can’t be hold until 15th of August)
We know that your first question would be: if the Alfacity could be postpone to Autumn. Unfortunately not. In this situation, this date can’t take it for granted, because they can still postpone it if it gets worse, and we really don’t want to cancel it again.
So we came to this: There won’t be Alfacity in 2020, and from today we are starting to organize the Aflacity 2021. The date won’t be changed: from 16th to 17th of July in 2021
The purchased tickets of 2020 will be valid in 2021 as well. The ordered T-shirts and the birthday gifts will be mailed during this summer.
Of course, if you would like to get a refund there will be options to do that. The details of this will be on the alfacity.hu in a few weeks.
Despite that, we would like to encourage you to not to change back your tickets, because tthat will be valid in 2021, and what is more you will get the following discounts:
- If you ordered Alfacity 2020 sticker, you will get an additional sticker, so you can change the date to 2021
- Altough the 2020 ticket allows you to enter with one Alfa Romeo and 2 adults, if you don’t choose the refund, you can bring one more person with you in 2021
- If you come with the 2020 ticket in the 2021 festival, you will get an extra Alfa present from us
- You will get 10% discount from the ticket of the AlfaAmore event in Autumn(what is going to be hold most probably in September)
And those who already would like to buy the tickets for 2021:
The price of the pre-sale tickets for 2021 won’t change in this year. From tomorrow you can buy your tickets for the next event in 2021 at the alfacity.hu website. Originally only the first 600 tickets was on pre-sale, but because of the postpone, you may purchase your 2021 ticket on the current prices until 31st of December 2020.
Check out the AlfaCity 2021 Facebook event

In 2021 AlfaCity will be 3 days long.