
2nd International GT Meeting in Germany

More than 30 GTs from Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Austria will be at the second international GT meeting in Germany.
Events >> 2008  

The date:
10.05. 2008

Hotel Europarc
Siemensstr. 19
50170 Kerpen - Sindorf

Arrival :
Friday 09. 05. 2008 in the late afternoon

At the moment we are over 30 GT from Germany, Italy, Switzerland,  Austria. (that means about 60 Persons)

(each person has to pay 10 Euro for organisation and some little specials)

On Saturday morning we’ll have an excursion to there:

Therefore we got one big Offroad-Bus and a little Jeep. Both cars are at the moment full. We’ll try to get you in there, if somebody leaves before meeting.

After this we meet again at the hotel with other GT’s and have a ride  through the landscape of the Eifel.

When we are back at the hotel in the evening, we’ll have a little walk to bowling with buffet (price incl. 3 hours bowling and buffet = 45 Euro each person)

On Sunday 11. 05. 2008 after breakfast we leave all in different directions to home or somewhere else.

If you really decide to come and visit our “small” GT-Meeting, please register, and write to info@alfaamore.hu with these infos:

1)  How many persons will come? (we need to find hotelrooms for you; the hotel at the meeting point. Prices = double room incl. breakfast 70 Euro per night ; single room incl. breakfast = 58 Euro)
2)  What are the names ? (for name signs)
3)  How many GT’s ?

Please tell us your decision till Sunday 20.04.08; 08:00 p.m.

Gerrit aka 156-GT

1 entrants
  • 1. Blade + Mariann + GT BlackLine + If exam period not trouble..:)

Kapcsolódó topic:

Latest 3 messages:

Kócosw2024-12-25 11:24:03 // 10923
Shadin2024-09-27 15:06:32 // 10922
Tolatóradar sípolás hibakód leírás létezik valahol valakinek?
Reggelent össze vissza sípol, talán a leg jellemzőbb a közepes-hosszú-rövid jelzés.
Kábelt cseréltem a lökhárító stekkertől az elektronikáig, stekker tiszta, tömített, fejek jók, ha éppen nem csipog valami hibát :-(
GT Ɨ|ѯ2024-09-16 13:41:17 // 10921

GT felső szellőzőház karbonbevonattal nem vtn, nem fólia / tükröződésmentes matt záró lakkal / eladó
érd. oldalamon, köszi